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With our knowledge, expertise, and network, we provide you exclusive consulting services for doing businesses in both Europe and China especially confronting the geopolitical issues and deglobalization trend these days. We could help you in project execution, feasibility studies of technologies, match-making of business partners, and financing agent services. Last but not least, we are closely working with our partners to provide high quality software services.

Technology & Project Consulting

If you have questions about: whether a technology or project can be executed in a certain context; Or, you do not know what it takes to make your project to be successful; we are the right people to help you!   


Match-making for Business Partners

Suppose you are one of manufacturers in China, you are eager to enter the European market, we could find you the right distribution channels or partners in Europe. Or, you are a technology company in Europe. You want to find a CMS or OEM in China to industrialize your technology. We are the right people for you! 


Financing Agency

We provide services for both entrepreneurs and venture capitalists (VCs). For entrepreneurs, we provide you channels to reach VCs. For VCs, we examine and filter the startups according to your capital nature and ensure you invest the leading companies in the future!   


Software services

Closely working with our partners, we provide high quality and affordable software services to our clients. Especially we understand SMEs. With limited budget but high demand of innovation, SMEs confront strong head wind while growing, we are the right partner to help!

Feel free to visit: to know more.


A coffee, a tea, or a beer:)

Come to connect with us. Everything is able to be solved by a coffee, a tea, or a beer :)  

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